September 01, 2020
Today’s reading Matthew 14:22-36
Last time I got to share with you we started talking about the role Jesus plays in the “storms of life” in particular the storms of perfection, the storms that come even when I’m doing the will of God.
Day 1 He brought me here (verse 22)
Day 2 He is praying for me (verse 23)
Day 3 He will come to me (verse 25)
Day 4 He will help me grow (verse 31)
-Day 5 He will see me through (verse 32)-
In our life we may fail along the way, I think that’s a given. Some of us (me) fail more than others. Aren’t you thankful that failure isn’t final with Jesus? Jesus and Peter walk on the water back to the ship. Can’t you just see that picture? Jesus with His arm around Peter leading him back to the boat. This experience turned out to have quite the impact on the other disciples, they could only fall down and worship Him. Do you remember the disciples response the first time Jesus calmed the storm? “What manner of man is this” but now they are clear on the answer to that question “Thou art the Son of God.”
As we finish our look at the storms of life let’s remember that Jesus faced some storms of His own. He endured the storm of judgment to save our souls, he endured the storm for us that we might never have to face the judgment of God. Rest assured that Jesus has never once failed one of His own and you won’t be the first that He fails. He will see us through. Let us follow the example of the disciples and fall down and worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
Frank Newsome