October 30, 2020
Today’s Reading
Ruth 1:19-22
The third mistake made here in chapter one is the sin of Bitterness: Blaming God for our trials. It would have been interesting to listen to the conversation between Ruth and Naomi on the way back to Bethlehem Judah. I wonder what they talked about. Did Ruth brush Ruth up on the Law of Moses? Did Ruth ask questions about the true and living God? Did Naomi’s bitterness affect how she answered the questions about God? We don’t know, we weren’t given that information. Obviously, this decade had been rough on Naomi because the women of the town didn’t recognize her when she came back (vs 19) The ten years in enemy territory had taken it’s toll on her for sure. Instead of making her better, her trials had made her very bitter, which is the meaning of the word Mara (vs 20) This important truth is evident here, “we cant control our circumstances, but we can control how we respond to them.” She accuses the Lord of being unkind to her (vs 20) She had left Bethlehem with a husband, with two sons and came home without them. She left Bethlehem having the majority of things needed to survive, she came back empty handed (vs 21). Because she didn’t surrender to the Lord and His chastening, she was bitter and had no peace. Notice what seems to be an admission of guilt and sin in verse 21. She seems to be hinting that she deserved what the Lord had allowed. She even calls God “Almighty” meaning the “All Powerful One” However we see the truth played out that it’s one thing to know the name of God, to be aware that He is The All Powerful One, but it’s a different thing to surrender to the Almighty. Naomi knew the name but didn’t exercise the faith. We see in verse 22 a turning, a new beginning for Naomi. It says they get there at the beginning of harvest. That represents new life, new opportunities, new family in Ruth, and most importantly a fresh beginning with God. Are you in need of a new beginning with God? We have all been there. His Word tells us that His mercies are new every morning. Every day is an opportunity to begin afresh with the Lord. I challenge you today if there is bitterness in your life let it go today and start fresh with God.
Frank Newsome