September 03, 2020
Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
Welding is a trade I know nothing virtually nothing about. However, my grandfather has been welding for years to make a living. It would be much wiser for me to watch him to learn how to weld than for me to try and figure it out for myself. In order to obtain wisdom, this passage presents a “wise man” for us to observe. There are three things about a wise man this passage points out.
1. A wise man will listen. I recently read a book about a man who purchased a company. Instead of coming in and doing things the way they had always been done, he sat down with workers and listened to them. With the feedback from listening to the current employees and making changes to help them, the companies profits grew radically. The main factor was that the people felt heard and trusted by those in charge. It all began with listening. In business and personal relationships listening is of great importance.
2. A wise man will increase learning. When a plant stops growing it begins dying. As people we are to continually grow in our knowledge of Gods word. This can also be gaining knowledge in areas we are unfamiliar. A wise man continually learns.
3. A wise man will seek for Godly counsel. We have very limited perception. We can only view our world from our point of view. Wise individuals will see problems and obstacles we miss. It is important that we create a personal group of wise people we consult before making important decisions.
Jacob Jarriel