October 31, 2018
Proverbs 28:25 He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.
I know what you are thinking. This is not a Biblical mandate to put on a few extra pounds. I have heard numerous opinions and jokes about this verse over the years. Most of which have nothing to do with what the Bible is talking about here.
Individuals that seem to be constantly stirring up things with others are normally discontent people. Pride has quite a stronghold on their life. They are normally never happy about anything. They are always the victim, things are always unfair, and they always have juicy information to share. Strife follows them wherever they go, but they never think that it is their fault. They are so discontent with their own life that they become consumed with everyone else’s. This verse teaches that it is a heart problem. “He that is of a PROUD heart stirreth up strife”. There are normally some major issues in their own heart. They have been disappointed by people or life. They have kept their eyes on circumstances instead of keeping their eyes on the Lord. They are always stirring up strife. They are critical of everyone else’s accomplishments, jealous of everyone else’s possessions, and interjecting in other people’s lives.
God says here that we do not have to be that way. God says, “he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat”. This word “fat” means satisfied, or literally content. It means that I am so content with what God has done and given me, that I have no interest in obsessing about everyone else’s life. I am so thankful for my possessions, that I am not jealous of others possessions. I am so thankful for what God has done for me, that I could never begrudge what God has done for others. When I trust the Lord, I believe with all my heart that whatever I have is exactly what I needed. I trust that God will give me what is best, and I will forget the rest. People that are stirring up strife are really deep down constantly searching for satisfaction. Isn’t it amazing that the only way to get that satisfaction is to simply be content with what you have? It’s trusting in God’s provision for you. I am persuaded that God is able to keep me satisfied.