November 03, 2020
Today’s reading
Ruth 2
Ruth chapter 2 begins with Ruth hoping to find someone to show her grace (vs 2) Grace as we know is favor bestowed on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Ruth, as a woman, and a widow on top of that, was literally on the lowest rung of the ladder socially. We obviously know that Boaz was used by God as the channel and avenue of the grace that would find Ruth. Verse 3 is one of my favorite verses in this chapter, it says that Ruth just so happened to end up in Boaz’s field, Boaz just happened to come by at the perfect time. We know with God there are no coincidences, that this meeting of Ruth and Boaz was ordained by God. I marvel at the providence and sovereignty of God.
I want to focus briefly on God’s grace displayed through Boaz in his interaction with Ruth and draw the parallel of how God’s grace is shown to us today. First Boaz took the initiative (vs 8) Grace means that God made the first move toward us, not because we deserve it, but because He loves us. I believe it was love at first sight for Boaz, so he made the initial move to help and provide for Ruth. God did the same for us when He sent Jesus. Second Boaz spoke to Ruth. He was the first to speak, to open the dialogue. Our salvation is a direct result of the drawing of the Holy Spirit. The conversation of grace and forgiveness was started by Jesus dying on a cross. It is also God’s grace that He continues to speak to us through His Word and the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Third Boaz promised to protect and provide for Ruth’s needs (vs 9, 14-16) I do not think I need to elaborate on this point we all are aware and have experienced God’s grace through His protection and provision. There are more things we could talk about, but I will finish with this one, Boaz encouraged Ruth (vs 10-13) Ruth’s response to all that Boaz had done was obviously humility and gratitude. She realized she was unworthy but accepted His grace. Her past was not a pleasant one but that did not matter to Boaz. Sound familiar? Ruth looked away from her poverty and saw the riches of Boaz. She forgot about her fears and rested in Boaz’s promises. What an example for us as God’s people to follow. Are your eyes focused on your past, your mistakes, your guilt, your shame, or your circumstances? Grace says we don’t have to focus on ourselves, but we can focus on Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 says it best “Looking unto Jesus” I am thankful for the grace of God today and I know you are too.
Frank Newsome