July 10, 2020
Disney World is an interesting place. There are some who avoid it at all cost, while others, including adults, think it’s the most “magical place on earth.” I know some people who live in or near the park, participate in almost every event, visit the different parks, and share it on social media. I would say they are a little extreme in their care for Disney world, but there is nothing wrong with it. They demonstrate a simple point. They love Disney and they are not ashamed of their feelings for Disney.
1 Corinthians 8:3 says, “But if any man love God, the same is known of him.” God tells us that if we love Him others will know we love Him. How will others know we love Him? Luke 6:45 says,
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”
A grandparent who loves their grandchildren will talk about them. A sports fan who loves their team will talk about their team. Someone who loves hunting, fishing, camping will talk about them. The same applies for our feelings toward God. If we love, Him we will talk about Him.
The problem for most Christians is that we like God. He is someone were happy to be around. He saved us. He has been good to us. He’s like that person you call when you need help, but not someone you spend time with every day. If we were honest our personal relationship with Him hasn’t moved from like to intimate friend.
Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
God wants us to love Him more than anything else. He wants to be #1. He wants our focus more than our spouse, family, and life. He deserves this position in our lives by the way. As a gentleman, God will not force his way to #1 in your life. It has to be a personal choice to place Him there.
I challenge you today to observe yourself. How often do I talk about God, His word, or tell others about what He’s done in your life. If these are absent, you may want to check to see what’s getting your love most.
Jacob Jarriel