July 04, 2019
Luke 5:15-16
[15] But so much the more went there a fame abroad of him: and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by him of their infirmities. [16] And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.
As the popularity of Jesus grew, so did the crowds around him, wanting Jesus to heal them, to heal their families, their friends. I’m sure Jesus began to hear how great he was, and how much people loved him, and if I could just be honest for a moment, who doesn’t love to hear those things about ourselves? We like to be told how important we are, and how great we are. It feels good for people to brag on us, and to list our achievements. I have to admit, this is something I struggle with sometimes, if I’m not careful I can begin to take credit for what God has accomplished. This passage of scripture could not have come at a better time for me. We just got back from an incredible youth trip, God worked in the hearts of our teenagers. This was I believe the best trip we have ever had. It’s nice to hear parents, and teenagers tell you how great of a job you’re doing, and there’s nothing wrong with people telling you “you’re doing a great job” until you start to believe them. I love how Jesus handles his fame beginning to grow. Jesus doesn’t fan the flames of his stardom, Jesus just simply withdrew himself from all of it, and sought his Father in prayer. I don’t believe Jesus was struggling with pride, or even distraction here. I just simply think Jesus wanted us to set the example of how to handle a seed of pride beginning to take root. In a social media world it’s easy to put the focus on us, and how great we are, but Jesus teaches us that we need to withdraw ourselves, and spend time with the Father in prayer.
John 3:30
[30] He must increase, but I must decrease.
Frank Newsome