July 03, 2019
14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit unto Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
13 and he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
In chapter 4, we see the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. He was rejected from his home town of Nazareth to casting out demons and healing the sick. He began very busy, but he spent time in fasting and prayer before going into his ministry. At every temptation of the devil, Christ answered back with scripture. He was tempted with food, riches, and fame, but endured because of His Word. Satan made options available to Him that would make life easer. Instead, Christ endured so God could be exalted, and the Lord’s task could be finished in His timing.
Because Christ overcame these great temptations, as verse 14 says, He was able to return in the power of the Spirit. This helped Jesus start His ministry. We do not know what we will face from day to day, but with God’s Word, we can overcome temptations. We cannot face temptations with our own confidence and strength, because we will fall every time. That’s why Scripture and God’s help is so important. We cannot be fully prepared for our day to minister to others if we are not properly prepared to face temptation.
David Fulp II
Children’s Pastor