July 02, 2020
Today’s reading
Mark 1:35 KJV
“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
Do you ever feel like you are in a spiritual rut? Oh good I’m glad I’m not the only one. Over the next few times I get to share a devotional with you I wanted to share just a few biblical principles that the Lord has shown me that can help us get out of a spiritual rut.
The First Principle is to Give Your Best to God.
The Creator of the universe invites us to spend time with him. He is without limits in every way we can imagine. He doesn’t need anything from anyone. However, because of his love he calls us into a relationship with him. When I think about this truth, I’m amazed, shocked, floored, and humbled. Time with God is an appointment worth keeping!
If you were going to a job interview, you’d show up prepared. You wouldn’t be tired, unfocused, or easily distracted. You’d show up fully ready and prepared. You definitely wouldn’t rush the interview or answer the questions nonchalantly trying to get it over with.
Time with God ought to have a greater priority than a job interview!
Getting out of the rut begins with a mind change, if God is ranked number one in our lives, then time with God is the most important thing we can do. God deserves our best, not our leftovers.
For your personal devotions, pick a consistent time where you will be (relativity) distraction free. Jesus went off to a solitary place so he could spend time with his Father without the distraction of the crowds.
When you show up to church on Sunday and Wednesday or to your Sunday school class, do what it takes to show up ready. Make sure your heart is ready and prepared to give thanks to God, to worship Him, and hear Him speak. Just a reminder, if Jesus needed time alone in a solitary place with the Father so do we. I would like for you to answer a couple of questions in closing.
When are you at your best? What challenges do you have to overcome in order to be ready to worship with other believers?
Frank Newsome