January 8, 2018
TO FIGHT FOR ME (part 1)
Joshua 23:10 One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.
A unique statement is made in verse 10. We are told, “One man of you shall chase a thousand”. Did I read that right?
That doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. That would seem a bit far-fetched that One thousand men would run away from one man. I guess I could possibly see that if the one man had a machine gun or maybe even if the one man had a bomb. But how could one thousand men be scared of one man? How would they not see how much they outnumber him? How could they not see how easily 1000 men could defeat one man? How could they apparently have such an advantage, and yet still run scared?
It seems as if we are to learn something here. Apparently when God fights our battles, amazing things occur. Apparently when God fights our battles, unbelievable things happen. Apparently when God fights our battles, there is no way to explain it. Apparently there is an unseen, unexplainable, unexpected advantage that we have, in every battle that we face, if we let God do the fighting.
From what I can understand, one thousand men have an advantage over me. But me, with God, have an overwhelming advantage over one thousand men. In other words, God changes everything. God changes the odds, the advantage, the battle, and the outcome. No wonder we lose so often. We are fighting battles without Him. Whatever battles we face against our flesh, our circumstances, or our enemies; we are at great disadvantage if we are fighting the battle. It’s like one man taking on one thousand men. But when we get God involved, things change immediately.
I encourage you today, let God do the fighting. There’s no chance for us to win without Him, and there is no chance for us to lose with Him!