December 14, 2018
PHILIPPIANS 4:1 Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved……. 4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
We have much to rejoice about as believers in Christ. Where could we even begin? Unfortunately, the truth is that we fail in the “rejoice” category very often. Notice the verse says to “rejoice in the Lord”. There is the key. Our rejoicing must be grounded upon Christ. We need His help to be able to rejoice no matter what the circumstances of life. In this chapter, we are reminded of the resources God has provided and the help He has given for us to be able to “rejoice”.
Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
This word “careful” means to be anxious. It is the idea of being worried or fretting about things in your life. We are told that we do not have to live in that state. We can “rejoice” instead of worrying. Prayer is a precious resource given to help us to do this. We are told to handle “everything” with prayer. This is going to God and communicating with Him about whatever we are facing. What an honor that we have, the privilege to communicate with the creator of the universe whenever we want to.
We are to handle everything with prayer and “supplication”. This word means to bring a petition. We are to go to God and ask Him to help, guide, provide, and strengthen. We tend to go to everyone else with our petitions and concerns, when we should go straight to the Lord first thing. Often, if we pray first, we find that there is no need to go to anyone or anywhere else.
Finally, we are to pray with “thanksgiving”. This is simply to be grateful. If we go to God and communicate, bring our petitions, and come to Him grateful for all that He has already done in our lives, something interesting happens. We begin to “rejoice”.
I am persuaded that He is able to help us do just that.