August 28, 2018
Isaiah 35:4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come…… he will come and save you.
5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
6 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert
“The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped”
Can you imagine all of this unfolding in Heaven? Individuals that have never heard a singing voice, a singing bird, or an instrument played, will suddenly hear the heavenly hosts sing. To hear for the first time, and that first time is to hear the voice of our Savior. God will open eyes and God will open ears. God still does that, by the way.
“Then shall the lame man leap”
God has restored “sight”, God has restored “sound”, and now God is restoring “strength”. The lame man shall jump like a deer clearing a fence. We have some friends in Maryland who have a son named “Thomas”. Thomas is my buddy. Thomas has been confined to a wheelchair his entire life. Thomas cannot speak clearly, he cannot walk, he cannot play sports, and he cannot “leap”. Thomas is always at church, and Thomas loves the Lord. Because Thomas is in a large, almost horizontal wheelchair, I call him “Thomas the train”. When we all get to Heaven one day, Thomas is not going to be in a wheelchair. He will not need it. He will be able to jump like a deer. ‘How do you know that?’, you might ask. Because God said so. Which brings me to the next promise.
“The tongue of the dumb sing”
I may not be able to understand everything Thomas says right now, but I will understand him when We get to Heaven. Thomas will be singing praises to God. So, God has restored
“sight”, God has restored “sound”, God is restoring “strength”. And now God will restore “singing”. God is able to open things. God can open eyes, ears, and mouths. In fact, this verse tells us that God can open rocks in the wilderness and bring water, and God can open up the sands of the desert and bring forth streams. The point is, God can open anything. He can open your eyes when you can’t see, He can open your ears when you refuse to hear, he can open your strength when you cannot go on, and God can open your heart when it has become closed and hardened.
“Be strong”, and “fear not”. Whatever needs opened, God can do it. “Your God will come”. “He will come and save you”.