August 20, 2018
We are blessed here at Kerwin with many good people in leadership positions. We would not be what we are as a church if it were not for these people. Brother Scott Tucker is our bus director. He has worn many hats over the years but one thing is for sure, I have always enjoyed his teaching. This week he sent this quick devotional out to our bus workers, and I thought it was so good that I wanted you to read it as the devotional for today. I did not ask his permission so I guess I will just have to ask his forgiveness. LOL
Galatians 6:9 And let us not ne weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Famous verse….we’ve all heard it. But in reality, we have all thought about quitting, throwing in the towel….”I’m done”, I’ve thought before.
I can’t quit – here are some reasons why.
1 – Saints that have gone before me
My grandfather was my ultimate hero. Clint Miller was a great man, a Godly man. Lived a Godly life before everyone
Burtis Hampton, my pal and friend. Faced with serious health issues, did not quit…stayed faithful until the end.
Linus Newsome, my bus ministry hero. Loved God, his family, his church and his pastor right to the end….faithful!
There are more, but, These are all GOOD reasons not to quit, BUT not THE REASON.
2 – Soldiers that serve with me
Joe Myers – What can you say about this great man of God – love him to pieces – he was so faithful to his calling
Daniel Hawtree – What a pastor he has become, has a heart for the people, loves God and preaches the Word like no other!
Bus captains & VBS/junior church workers – What a privilege to serve with such great people.
Jim Fankhauser would hunt me down and shoot me if I quit…LOL.
These are all GOOD reasons not to quit, BUT not THE REASON.
3 – Souls that need to be told about Christ
Oh my, the bus kids through these years – Precious souls for whom Jesus died
People at work, lost and going to hell 100 miles an hour
Family, either lost, or away from God
These are all GOOD reasons not to quit, BUT not THE REASON.
Hebrews 12:3 For consider HIM that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
HERE is the REAL REASON I can’t quit. – JESUS didn’t quit.
4 – Savior that took my punishment, forgave my sin and saved my soul
I’ll bet it was hard being beat with those whips – I’m sure it was hard carrying the cross after the beating – I’m sure when they drove those nails in His hands and feet it was pretty difficult – Hanging on the cross all that time, suffering for YOU and for ME – Not to mention the weight and load of ALL OF THE SIN OF HUMANITY on His shoulders.
Sorry this was so long….woke up early this morning and could not get this off my mind. Brother Scott