October 21, 2019
John 4:13-14
[13] Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: [14] But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
I wanted to do something different today for the devotional. I wanted to share with you a portion of a devotion on this passage that really helped me a few months back, it’s by a man named Ken Gire. This was the prayer given at the end of the devotional he wrote. May we make this our prayer as well. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.
“ Even though I have the same living water within me that you gave the Samaritan woman, so often I find myself searching for other things to fill my life.
It’s inconceivable that anyone who’s tasted of your goodness would drink from any other well. Yet I have. Money. Success. Pleasure. Popularity. Security. In the end, all dry wells.
But how many times have I lowered my cup into their depths? And how many times have I brought it up empty?
Keep vivid in my mind the time when you met me by the well and said, “I that speak unto thee am he.” And may the memory of that sacred moment keep me from wandering to seek water at any other well than yours.
Grant me diligence and watching over that sacred well. And let me not forget that even living water can be stagnated by indifference or tainted by the impurities I tolerate in my life.
Keep my faith pure so it can be a deep well where others could come to be refreshed. And as they do, O Lord Jesus, I pray that you would meet them there….as you did this Samaritan woman…..as you did me….and give them living water.
Renew in me, O Savior, a zeal like this Samaritan woman had – a zeal to tell her friends, her acquaintances and even strangers about you. Not a zeal to worship in this church or that. Not a zeal for theology. Not a zeal for causes. But a zeal for you. For you, and only you…..”
—Ken Gire
Frank Newsome