November 30, 2020
Today’s Reading
Mark 4:1-20
We are looking at a passage today that really changed the way I look at, and receive God’s Word. As Charles Barkley said years ago in a Nike commercial “I’m no role model” I am saying the same thing to you today. I don’t have this figured out, I don’t always receive God’s Word the right way, and I certainly don’t always put it into practice in my life and obey it, but this passage changed the way I prayed before reading the Word of God. Praying before you read is a great practice to start if you aren’t already doing that. I’ll tell you how it changed my prayer time after we look at the passage. Jesus here is teaching a parable as He often does, the parable of the sower and the seed. He gives the story of a man going out to sow and how the seed he sows falls on several different kinds of ground. Most of the ground is not conducive to growth for the seed, but he mentions the good ground. The ground that is ready to receive the seed, ground where the seed thrives, grows, and produces more seed and fruit. His disciples are confused, and need further explanation. We are given that explanation by Jesus in verses 11-20. Aren’t you glad Jesus is willing to spend a little extra time explaining His Words to us that are a little thick headed and don’t get it the first time? He tells His disciples the seed is the Word of God (vs 14) Just that explanation right there clears a lot of the confusion up doesn’t it? Quickly, lets look at what each type of ground represents. The way side or hardened ground (vs 15) represents a hardened heart, people with this type of heart refuse to believe, so it’s easy for Satan to remove the Word from them. The seed that grows in stony ground and among thorns represents a believer who is spiritually immature or a believer is attached to worldly devices. They receive the Word and it does take root but it’s quickly killed by the things of the world (verses 16-19.) Then we come to the good ground, that represents a heart that is receptive to God’s Word. This ground welcomes not only the seed but also all that goes into preparing the ground to receive the seed. This ground will obey the Word as they receive it. As a result this ground will begin to produce abundant spiritual fruit, and make an impact for the cause of Christ. What kind of ground are you? I began to pray several months back that God would help me to be good ground as I read and receive His Word. Sometimes the preparation to be good ground is a tough process. There has to be tilling and tearing up of tough, hard ground. Weeds have to be pulled, and we all know that process is not an enjoyable one. Will you join me in that prayer? Lord help me to be good, productive ground when your Word is sown into my heart?
Frank Newsome