May 07, 2019
This is a wonderful story. I would not have time in one devotion to explain the whole thing, so let’s just look at a part of it. There is a wealthy owner that is planning a wedding, and invited individuals to it. But these individuals did not see it as important, and really did not care. They never showed up and never even responded. So, the owner sent his servants out to invite anyone and everyone to come. Now, we understand how this applies to our lives and what the meaning of this illustration is. I do want you to notice a phrase in verse 10. The Bible says that the servants “gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good”.
Isn’t that interesting? The servants had to go out. They could’ve set the table, cooked the food, and decorated the house in a fantastic manner, but no one would’ve ever shown up. Why? Because nobody would have known that it was there and available if his servants had not gone out, told them about it, and invited them. That in a nutshell is our job as the servants of God.
You know, you find what you’re looking for. The servants were out looking for people to invite. How many people do we go by every day and never invite?
I love this phrase. You see all these so-called “good” people had no interest in this wedding. So, the servants went out and invited good and bad. It didn’t matter their wealth, their color, their background, or their upbringing. If they wanted to come, they could. Aren’t you glad Jesus died for everyone? Anyone that wants to come to Jesus can come to Jesus. They are all invited. You and I need to get over trying to assess what kind of person individuals are. It doesn’t matter if they’re good or bad. The Bible says that there is none righteous, “no not one”. We are all bad, aren’t we?
That’s all the owner wanted. He wanted people at the wedding that wanted to be there. We are the bride of Christ. We are heading to a wedding soon. Let’s work hard to “furnish” it with those that want to be there.