May 01, 2020
BIBLE READING: I Samuel 2:1-10
“And Hannah prayed, and said,
My heart rejoiceth in the Lord,
mine horn is exalted in the Lord:
my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies;
because I rejoice in thy salvation.
There is none holy as the Lord:
for there is none beside thee:
neither is there any rock like our God.”
1 Samuel 2:1-2
I remember when I got my Mustang how excited I was. Then I started making car payments. Haha Alduthood 101 started, but the day I made my last payment, I remember how relieved and excited I was. On a much larger scale, Hannah had finally had a child, Samuel, and had given him back to God. Here in chapter two, we see her prayer of praise to the Lord. Something that had been so heavy on her heart was lifted and answered in the Lord’s timing. In all of this, she had seen the Lord’s peace, provision, and promise answered. How exciting that would have been! Through her prayer of praise, we can see two attributes she learned in the Lord. We can, also, see that we too can learn these same traits as we trust in Him.
First, she saw God was her strength. “My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.” Here in verse one, Hannah proclaims she is strengthened alone in God. A horn was often pictured as strength in the Old Testament. She pictures that God had saved her and made her strong in Him. Obviously, when we see God answer and work in our life, we realize that we cannot handle the situation, but He can. Our weakness is made great in His strength! That is something to definitely praise the Lord for!
Second, Hannah found security in the Lord. “There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.” In verse two, she is proclaiming God as her rock. This is a picture of security. A rock is pictured as a foundation, that in times of trouble your fort or house will not move because of your foundation. This was a strong sense of security for her. We tend to run to what find secure to us. To Hannah, there was no one else like God.
Let me ask today, who or what do you find your strength and security in? May it be in God, because He will not fail you!
David Fulp II