December 24, 2019
2 Corinthians 9:15 KJVS
[15] Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
As has already been stated yesterday we wanted to take a break from the devotions regarding vials, wrath, and judgment (you’ll probably get enough of that from family gatherings over the next couple of days) in the book of Revelation, and focus our devotions around Christmas. Your Revelation reading if you’d like to keep up with that is Revelation 17.
Now that I’m a parent Christmas has taken on a whole new meaning. I love watching my kids get excited about the decorations, the tree, and yes the presents. It’s so exciting and fun as a parent to watch your children tear into gifts, and their eyes light up with that new toy they’ve been asking endlessly for. All of us will no doubt be giving and getting gifts over the next few days, but none of those gifts that we’ll receive comes close to the gift God gave us on that first Christmas Day 2000 years ago. It’s a gift that is as our verse describes too wonderful for words. It’s the greatest gift ever given, most costly gift. It may not have been the gift we even realized we wanted, but it is the gift we all needed, and still continue to need. Maybe today among the half million things we still need to do before Christmas tomorrow let’s take a moment and as the wise men did (Matthew 1:2) worship Him. Let our prayer be as our verse said “Thank you God for your gift too wonderful for our vocabulary even to describe.”
Frank Newsome