August 25, 2020
Proverbs 1:2
To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;
Have you ever been in a situation where you have had two different people advising you to do totally different things? Solomon’s son Rehoboam faced this exact situation. He was becoming King of Israel. He went to the “old men that stood before Solomon” and asked their advice on how to rule. He also listened to the “young men” that grew up with him. He made his choice based on the advice of the young men and the choice tore the country in two. His problem was not that he didn’t know what wisdom was. His problem was he couldn’t perceive which were the words of understanding.
We face an influx of information every day. We are fed truth, lies, truth with some lies and lies with some truth on a constant basis. It would take hours to fact check every piece on information to find out which is true and which is false. This is where wisdom comes into play. God can give us the ability to perceive what is true and what is not. There is no plot, ploy or half-truth that He doesn’t see right through. This is why its so important to have wisdom. We don’t have the ability to figure it all out, but we have a great God who can. As you begin your day today, will you ask God to help you perceive words of wisdom?
Jacob Jarriel