August 11, 2020
Today’s reading Matthew 14:22-36
Over the next few times I get to share with you I’d like to give you principles for weathering the “storms of life” more particularly Jesus’ role in our storms. I hope this helps you and encourages you like it did me.
Day 1-He brought me here-
This particular storm came because they were in the will of God. That almost sounds like it doesn’t make sense doesn’t it? Jonah’s storm was because of his disobedience, this storm the disciples were in came because of their obedience (verse 22) May I say that the disciples were safer in the storm in God’s will than on the land out of God’s will. That’s easy to say but difficult to comprehend and believe sometimes. Warren Wiersbe said “We must never judge our security on the basis of circumstances alone.” As we read our bibles we see there are two types of “storms” storms of correction (God’s discipline) and storms of perfection (God is helping us grow) The storm the disciples are in is obviously the latter.
Many Christian’s believe that obeying God will result in smooth sailing all the time, and that just isn’t the case. When we find ourselves in the “storms of life” even though we have obeyed the Lord we have to remember that He brought us here and He can take care of us.
Frank Newsome