April 08, 2019
1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.
In verse seventeen, we are told how the generations in the lineage of Christ are laid out. There are three sets of fourteen generations, all the way from Abraham till Christ. Did you notice however that it stops with Christ? The word “generations” is used in all the descriptions until Christ is born. What marks a generation? There is a birth and a death.
If you notice in verse one, it does not say the “generations” of Jesus Christ. It says the “generation” of Jesus Christ. It is a singular word. In other words, there is only one generation in Christ. You see, there is birth in the family of Christ, but there is no death. Anyone who is born again into the family of God through the blood of Jesus Christ will never die. “Absent from the body…present with the Lord”. Dear friend, if you are saved, do not fear death because you will never face it. If you have been born into the family of God, you will never die out of it. There has never been a death in Jesus’s family. Remember, the first “Adam” created sin, the “second Adam” covered sin. The “first Adam” created the need for a grave, the “second Adam” conquered the grave. The “first birth” leads toward eternal death, the “second birth” leads toward eternal life. Are you in the “generation of Jesus Christ” today?